I can look into it since I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix but if this is the first time this issue has occurred in around 6 months of the tool existing I'm not sure if I should go out of my way to do it.
Nothing was extracted from the 7z in the first place since it didn't conform to it's strict rules, whilst Wizzard was a bit more lenient. The reason why AA2Install couldn't install it was because due to the way it handles 7z extraction causes it to be strict when it comes to capitalization. If the user overwrites something and it messes up their install due to conflicting mods and/or their backup files don't work due to overwrites, and they can't push the blame onto me when it warned them that they were running the (albeit very small) risk. I’ve posted this list before in other places but I’d like to repost it with more of my opinions and less objectivity. That's the way I've intended that feature to work. AA2 Recommended Mods List Posted on SeptemThis is merely a list I put together of good mods to use to get started with creating and playing 2 (Artificial Academy 2). I'll look into those new features when I have v7 where I want it to be, and I'll simply just tack them on the end since they're relatively easy to implement.